Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Been a while...

Just wanted to add a little update.

Recovery is going pretty well. It still hurts to sit up, but not awful. I'm just taking the pain pills at night - that's when it hurts the worst. I have a follow up with the doctor on Thursday, so hoping all is going well.

I weighed myself today. I have lost a few more pounds. I'm not at a total loss of 7 lbs since I started all of this. I'd like to further along, but I'm happy that I'm making some progress. We'll see how things go after I start working out again - hopefully 4 more weeks!

I've been working consistently, making the money we need to get things accomplished. It's slow going to get out of the hole we've been in, but I think we're almost there.

I've been very patient with Chloe and Finn - for the most part. Some days are easier than others, but I'm happy with the progress I've made. It's helped a lot that bills are being paid on time and I'm not writing 10 a day - everyday.

Tomorrow starts our new attempt at potty training with Chloe. She is the most stubborn child. But starting tomorrow - no diapers. I told her she'll have one on for nap time and bed time, but during the day she has to wear panties. I told her that if she has an accident, she's cleaning it up. So I'm hoping this will work. We're starting with the "rubber" pants - the panties with the plastic outer so that she doesn't pee on the couch or rug. But if those don't work (b/c she treats them like a diaper), we'll try just panties. I'm going to give the rubber pants three or four days to see how it goes first.

Couponing has been great! The other day I got 1 can of Similac concentrate, 2 cans of powdered Goodstart, 1 loaf bread, 3 half gallons of milk and a pack of gum for $0.80!!! Today, I managed a trip with 5 12-packs of coke and coke zero, 1 box (bottle) of infant Advil, 1 easter basket, 1 pack of plastic easter eggs, 2 bottles of Bayer aspirin, 1 bottle Head and Shoulders shampoo, 1 bottle Head and Shoulders conditioner, 1 concentrate Similac & 2 cans of concentrate Enfamil. I spent $14.97!!!

And since I forgot to share. Last month I ended up spending $437.64 for $809.95 in merchandise!!! That's groceries and "stockpiling". A total savings of 54%!

We started planning our family vacation to go visit my parents in Florida. We're planning on 10 day trip in October with hopefully a few days spent in Greenville visiting our friends. We're planning on going over Halloween and taking the kids to Mickey's Not-So-Scary-Halloween at Disney. Can't wait!

That's about it for now. I'll post again soon.

1 comment:

  1. Glad you are back on the blog. I look forward to your updates :)
