Armand Needs Your Help!
Armand is a 2-year-old boy, who by all accounts is a true delight. I have not been blessed to meet this little guy, but in my heart I feel like I know him. Many, many years ago, I worked with his mom, although she probably doesn’t remember me – it was just for a little while. I found this story through a dear friend, my old roommate.
According to his father, “Armand was recently diagnosed with GM1 Gangliocidosis (Type II), a recessive genetic metabolic disorder with no known cure or proven treatment. He also has another genetic mutation of the GBJ2 gene, which affects his hearing. We are exploring clinical trials and possibly experimental treatments in hopes of slowing (or, even more hopefully) stopping the progress of his disorder until a cure or more proven treatment can be found.” (You can read more at Armand's Hope or donate at Armand's Hope - Go Fund Me).
The cost of his medications, clinical trials, medical devices, travel and living costs when they go to Minnesota for the clinical trials, etc. are astounding. Armand and his family need your help. They are trying to raise money to help improve Armand’s quality of life and stall the effects of the disease. If you can help in any way, please do.
Here are a few options for helping:
- On 5/21, from 2-5pm at Soft Rock CafĂ© in Centerville, OH, there will be a Fundraising Benefit for Armand’s Hope. At this time, there is a silent auction planned and donations will be accepted, as well. If you’re able to attend, please do. Tell your friends. Tell your neighbors. Tell your co-workers. Anyone you know! Spread the word.
- If you cannot attend, consider donating something for the silent auction on 5/21. This could be a candle or tickets to a concert or whatever you have or make or sell. Send me an email and I’ll get in contact with the good folks running the benefit.
- Visit Armand's Hope - Go Fund Me and donate. You don’t have to leave your name if you want it to be anonymous. Anything helps. It all adds up.
- I am working to put together a “care package” for the family, using my stockpile. I plan to get at least a $100.00 worth of everyday products together (ie. Toothbrushes, Tylenol, shampoo, dish detergent, etc). I’m going to donate it to the family. Although they can’t pay the bills with the donation, it helps free up that money from shopping to put towards the medical needs. If you’re interested in contributing to the package, let me know.
- Share this with your friends and family. Post it on Facebook or tweet on Twitter. Send an email to your aunt you haven’t spoken to in years! The more times you spread the word, the more likely we’ll be able to contribute to helping this deserving family.
- Any ideas? If you have an idea on how to help them, let me know. If I can’t make it happen, I’ll get you in touch with someone else who might be able to.
Let’s work together to find a way to help a deserving little boy find a better tomorrow.
Thanks in advance!
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