John and I decided to take back control of our lives. Some truly wonderful friends (the husband has been a part of John's life for at least 20+ years now) offered to let us live with them for 6 months. Although living in someone's basement isn't the ideal situation, I know that this is going to make such a difference in both families lives. To cut our monthly expenses in half means that we can pay off pretty much ALL our debt, minus student loans, by the end of the stay there.
The idea of living debt-free sends tingles up my spine. :) The move won't take place until September sometime, but knowing there is a light at the end of the tunnel and for the first time in a long time the light isn't a train, makes me happy.
I'm going to miss this house immensely. If you've been here, you know what the kitchen is like! And for someone like me who loves to cook, letting it go makes me sad. Not to mention, we have the best landlords (Love you Amanda!). But, we have to do what's best for our family.
This past year, although full of lots of highs, has had lots of lows that have hurt us financially. Continuing on in this fashion is going to hurt us. As they say, when God closes a door...
The big concern that the few people we've discussed this move with is how are we going to "handle" living with another couple for that long. Well, here's the deal. This couple is so much like us. Very laid back. Similar parenting skills (they have a son and daughter. The son is 7 months older than Chloe and the daughter is 7 months younger). Plus, we've lived with them before (for 2 weeks) when we made the move last May. I know 6 months is different than 2 weeks, but in 2 weeks, if we weren't grating on each other yet, that's a good sign in my book! Also, we pretty much have the entire basement to ourselves, which means privacy when we need to quiet time.
All in all, I'm looking forward to continuing to work like I have been recently, and the money going to pay off our credit cards and medical bills, without feeling like we're treading water...
Work wise, I've been working like made. I haven't taken a full day off in over 3 weeks. I have taken two 1/2 days where I only did rewrites, title claiming and 3 articles each. But a true day off hasn't occurred. Assuming the CEs (copy editors) stay on track this weekend and don't get too far behind. If they can keep up, then I get a day off this week! Much needed, I might add.
I've had my ups and downs with the kids the last few weeks. I've been working so much that my patience has been thin, but I'm trying not to take it out on them (especially Chloe). Chloe's been dealing with a bit of the green-eyed monster recently. Still adores her brother (wants to hug him, play with him, be near him) but she's acting out to get attention a bit more. I'm thinking I'm going to take her for a girls day sometime this week. I'm thinking I'll take Finn to grandma's, then Chloe and I will have a special day. I think maybe lunch (or a dessert) and then shopping, followed with a trip to the park.
My final update is my AMAZING shopping trip today. This is by far my best "haul" yet. I went to CVS and got over $115.00 in merchandise (after tax) and I paid $3.59 out of pocket...I saved 97%!!! To top it off, I left with $17.47 in ECBs which equates to more free stuff! Here's what I got 6 bottles of Revlon Nail Polish (it was how I "made" money), 2 bottles CVS brand kids vitamins, 1 package of Powerbar Bites, 1 Similac Simple Pac, 1 Huggies Wipe Refill and 1 tube Colgate Whitening Toothpaste.
With the exception of the nail polish (and the Powerbar bites - they're for Amanda), I actually needed all of it (well, the toothpaste is going into the stockpile, but I gave a bunch of tubes away a few weeks ago, so my toothpaste bin is low). Not too shabby for a few minutes worth of shopping...
(That's for you Amanda!)
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