Friday, March 18, 2011

Happy St. Patty's Day (Late)

First of all - HUGE congrats to my dear friends Amanda and Greg (and their son Cal)...Baby Cate is beautiful!

Had a great day yesterday. Started the day by making green eggs, bacon and green shamrock pancakes. Then took a walk with the little ones while daddy and Chloe took a nap. Pushing the babies in that double stroller does a number on my back! But I survived. For dinner we had pot roast - actually one of the best I'd ever done. Very moist and yummy. Oh, and LOTS of house work done.
 I skipped Zumba again last night. We agreed with it being happy Irish drinking day and I would have to pass a bunch of bars on the way it was best to stay in last night. Plus, my back was killing me (and still is today) so it was probably for the best.
I've had a productive day already today. Got up at 5:30 for Amelia. Got some writing done. Now John's asleep on the couch, Amelia's swinging away, Chloe's playing in her room and Finn is asleep across my arm as I type this one handed (pardon any major grammatical errors!)
So while there is silence and my arm is trapped, I will enjoy the peace.


  1. Happy St/ Patty's to you too. Glad you had a good day. Food sounds yummy - I need to cook more.

  2. Mom, when I figure out away to come visit (and trust me I'm trying to find away for me and the kids to come down before our family trip (hopefully in September), then I'll cook for you guys. Every night if you want. :)
